O terminal é conhecido por ser praticamente um shopping de luxo, exibindo marcas como Prada, Bulgari e Tiffany. As 40 telas foram posicionadas no teto e colocadas na vertical. A inovação fica por conta das telas sequenciais, que segundo a pesquisa permite a melhor assimilação das mensagens. O conteúdo será vendido em campanhas de 2 semanas e voltadas para as marcas de luxo como moda, perfumes, joías, viagens de luxo entre outros.
Segue o texto em inglês (o termo saccadic diz respeito exatamente a essa forma de movimentação rápida dos olhos):
Eyetracker – sequential viewing research
A key finding is that people on the move look around in a non-linear way, with their eyes flicking back and forth from the middle distance as they search for and are attracted by airport signage. Frequent repetition of the creative is important for advertisers to take advantage of this saccadic way of viewing, with passengers absorbing messages in rapid bursts, ‘stitching’ the creative together as they look at each screen for 0.3 seconds at a time, the outdoor industry average for digital.
Advertisers can benefit from this saccadic way of viewing by constantly refreshing the creative to attract the eye with multiple creative executions. It suggests that rather than running the same creative along a line of digital screens, advertisers should refresh their creative in banks of 3 to 4 screens so that passengers absorb these messages before reaching the next bank of screens where the message can be reinforced.
Hernani Santos
São 20 dupla-face ou 40 em apenas 1 sentido?
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